Leading the Rural Population Charge

Urban Enterprise has been appointed by Rural Councils Victoria to prepare a Rural Population Policy. This work builds on our work with Regional Development Australia in the Barwon South West Region which highlighted a range of opportunities and challenges for increasing population growth in rural areas and identified innovative ways to promote sustainable towns and regions.

Over the past 3 years, we have undertaken more than 120 projects in regional and rural Victoria, including work for 30 Councils. We are excited by the opportunity to combine our understanding of regional economic and demographic dynamics to the field of population policy, particularly at a time of great community and political focus on the benefits and challenges brought about by unprecedented overall Victorian population growth.

Please contact Paul Shipp (Director) if you wish to find out more about the project.


Plans for Revitalisation of Central Deborah Gold Mine in Bendigo


Monitor CRMS Acknowledged at 2017 National Economic Conference Awards